Do it FOR me

Is there anything better than someone doing the work for you? Isn’t it great when someone can do something FOR you? You don’t need to do the work yourself, you can ask someone else instead. In this case, that ‘someone’ is me!

I can teach you Danish at all sorts of levels (the the course list here: [indsæt link] – if you don’t find a course, contact me to arrange a more tailored course. Write to: However, what I can do FOR you is translate texts that you would like to have in Danish.  If you would like me to translate your text write to:

I can translate from English to Danish if your text is in normal language, i.e. for example not legal or financial language. I can also translate from French to Danish if your text is rather short (max. 3 pages).

I always respect your text, wishes for wording, and your ‘tone of voice’. Also, you always have the last word. In fact, you should expect a little ‘back and forth’ discussion on fx email. This, in order for your text to be the way you want it.  If you would like me to translate your text write to:

Below are a couple of references:

Jeg har faktisk indtil flere gange haft lejlighed til at bede om Tinas service til oversættelse af tekster (mest engelsk -dansk men også lidt fra fransk), og hver gang har Tina leveret et præcist arbejde i god tid. 

Tina er meget professionel i sit arbejde som oversætter, som hun mestrer perfekt, og hun inviterer også til dialog om passager eller ord for at sikre sig, at de forbliver så tæt på originalen som muligt samtidig med, at hun respekterer formen.  

Om det drejer sig om administrative tekster, korrektur på et CV eller tekster med et mere litterært præg, som kræver sproglig finesse; uanset, hvad kravene har været, har Tina altid været i stand til at levere med den samme opmærksomhed, den samme skarphed og med meget venlighed.


Ingrid Fersing

Three years ago, I opened my yoga studio in Copenhagen, Rive Gauche Yoga Studio, based on the association of contemporary music, Rap, soul, house jazz… and yoga sequences practised in a deep blue light. Tina perfectly translated the pages of my company’s website by successfully preserving the nicety of this specific concept.

Nina Ferreira

If you would like me to translate your text write to:

Contact Danish Matters

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