
Danish Matters is working on videos about each package of the Back on the Horse audio series. It will take a while but there will be info on the series as well as link for videos – and boy do you have something to look forward to! Meanwhile check out the older videos about the audio series:

Video 1  Video 2     Video 3

I don’t know about you, but I love audio of all kinds. I love to listen to podcasts and audio books and sometimes, I even only listen to a YouTube video. I don’t think I’m alone. I think a lot of others are like me – maybe you are too?  

I’ve created some audios that I hope you will like. 

THE FIRST is a whole series that is called Back on the Horse. It’s language coaching in no less than 17 audio files, divided into 9 packages. The Series is constructed in a way so that you can build your own language coaching with exactly the content that you need. This means that you do not have to purchase let alone listen to all 17 audios; whether it be 1, 2 or more packages you can pick the ones that you find useful to you.

You get:  

☺ A build up system: 17 episodes – divided into 9 packages (full package here)

☺ The opportunity to choose exactly the number and the specific packages that you would like (that’s right, you don’t need to buy the whole series) – choose your package here


After listening to this audio series, you will: 

☺Be able to help yourself learn more vocabulary 

☺ Know your own learning curve 

☺ Know your specific patterns (good or bad) when learning Danish 

☺ Handle failure better 

☺ Have found your goals for your Danish learning (also if you’re not exactly a planner) 

☺ Have created Danish learning habits for yourself 

And more …  

If you would like the full series, click here [indsæt link]

If you would like to choose one or several but not all packages, click here [indsæt link]

THE SECOND audio from Danish Matters is a motivation meditation. If you are struggling with Danish and you need a little ‘pick-me-up’, this is the audio for you. You will hear me speak about Danish learning and at the same time guide you to a relaxing experience. Give yourself a moment of relaxation just for YOU and let me hold your hand for a while. Click right here

Also, write to if you would like a course from the course list – or if you would like a different type of course – or fill out the contact form at the bottom of this page.

Contact Danish Matters

12 + 9 =